Many foreigners & investors assume the process of buying property internationally is vastly different than that of buying in the U.S. or Canada, however in Costa Rica buying property is a quite similar process comparatively for citizens, residents and/or foreigners.Buyers can own property outright (excluding beachfront properties) in their family name or a corporation, similar to an L.L.C. in the states or locally referred to as a “Sociedad Anónima” or “S.A.”.There are pro’s & con’s to either process you choose to use to purchase property. Our agents are here and available to help walk you through the steps and help you decide which avenue is a better fit for you and your property.
When working with RE/MAX Pura Vida all our properties listed have already cleared a basic due diligence which includes checking the listings with the Central Land Registry, or Folio Real, at the Public Registry in San Jose.
When choosing the right agent to represent your land and/or property, RE/MAX Pura Vida is here to help. RE/MAX agents throughout Costa Rica are the property experts & professionals.
Our team lives and works in the area(s), so our first-hand knowledge about the community, current sales and lifestyle not only benefits the seller but potential buyers as well.
RE/MAX Pura Vida not only does the most web & print advertising and marketing in its area, in addition to that we are also part of a global referral network that can offer your property more exposure than any other real estate company. RE/MAX’s international referral network consists of over 80 countries, 6800 offices and over 100,000 agents worldwide.
When looking for top quality, professionalism and educated agents, no one is more qualified than a RE/MAX Associate, its no wonder that no one in the world sells more real estate than RE/MAX.